《金斧頭 銀斧頭》The Golden Axe


English version











In a small village, there lived a woodcutter named Deena. He was very sincere and honest.  Every day, he set out into the nearby forest to cut trees.

One day as usual in the morning, while cutting a tree near a river, the axe slipped from his hand and fell into the river. “Oh no. What have I done? That was my only property which earned money. Without that, what will I do? Oh God Please help me. “ Deena said. He started crying and prayed to God.

God answered his prayer. God appeared and asked Deena why he was crying. God took a golden axe from the river and asked “My Son, is this your axe?”. Deena was stunned to see such a shining beautiful axe.

But Deena said without any hesitation. “No. This is not mine.” Deena answered.

God again took another axe from the river. It was made of silver.

“My Son, is this your axe?” God asked again.

“No.” Deena shaked his head.

God now pulled an axe made of iron and asked “Is this yours? “.

Deena’s face showed the sign of joy. “Yes. This axe is mine.” Deena said.

“My son. I am very much pleased with your honesty. Take all the three axes. This is a reward for your honesty. It’s all yours.” God said.

Deena happily went to his home with the three axes. He explained how God appeared and gave him the axes to his friends.

Another woodcutter named Soma, who is very lazy and greedy. After hearing the story of Deena, Soma immediately went to the river. And deliberately dropped his axe into the river.

God showed up and asked what had happened.

Again, God took out the golden axe and asked Soma “Is this your axe? “.

“Yes yes yes.. this one is mine.” Soma said.

God was furious now.

“How dare you? Telling lies to me? You should be punished for telling lies.” God said. Saying this God disappeared with the axe.

“My axe… my axe. God Please forgive me for telling lies. Please give back my iron axe. Oh God… What will I do now?” Soma cried.

All his shouting went useless. Soma returned home without the axe which was his only property. But he had learnt his lesson. Honesty is very important.
