
28 January, 2015 ohmykids


1. 貓咪玩peekaboo

pussy cat

2. 對立

dont let the american in

3. 點做好?!

obesity VS Macdonalds
4. 令人嘩然

pop crotch

5. 開門/唔開門

football car

6. 為安全起見, 都係搭其他航空公司好D…

crushing airline

7. 究竟要幾近

come closer

8. 平同健康好難決擇

good deal

9. 個車碌實在。。。

big wheels

10. 喂呀~

silly ads

11. 唔好笑嘅巧合

car racer injuried

12. 新brand

star suck

13. 突然間, 呢個廣告變得不再吸引…

dirty pants

14. 佢個樣係爽嘅,但讀者唔係咁諗。

what shake

15. 你會揀邊一個放係屋企?

cat and jesus

16. 配音版報紙

interestinf death


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